

CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Thief does 'jacket tango' and steals electronics


FORT COLLINS, Colo. -- A thief was caught on camera doing what officers called the "jacket tango."

The man walked into a store, talked to a cashier, then walked around the aisles.

The man was caught on camera trying to hide a large box under the back of his coat. However, the box was too big. Scroll about 32 seconds into the video to see the man in action.

Next, the man took off his coat and used it to try and hide the box.

"After performing this Jacket Tango, he stole several high-priced electronic items," Fort Collins Police Services said on Facebook.

Officers said if you recognize the man, or his dance moves, call 970-221-6540 or Crime Stoppers of Larimer County at 970-221-6868.


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