DENVER -- Two young girls want Denver’s Downtown Aquarium to get rid of its tigers.
Lily Woods and Raime Mckellip created a petition on asking the Aquarium's parent company's owner to "do the right thing for these important animals."
More than 9,000 people have signed the petition.
"Landry's restaurants knows food, not tigers," the girls wrote on the website. "Tell their owner to send these wonderful tigers to a wild animal sanctuary in Colorado. These animals deserve the best life possible, and the aquarium does not offer that. PLEASE HELP THESE POOR TIGERS."
The petition's target is listed as Tilman J. Fertitta, CEO/Owner, The Denver Aquarium/Landry's Restaurants.
Landry's sent a statement to Denver7 that said, "We are an AZA-accredited facility and provide the highest degree of medical and nutritional care to our animals. These Sumatran tigers belong to the AZA community and are not the property of Landry’s. They have been entrusted to the Denver Aquarium as part of the AZA Species Survival Plan to prevent their extinction. AZA releases new standards on animal care each year. When the new standards are official, we will make any requested modifications as we always do.”
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