DENVER — A new Christian coffee shop in Denver is the target of a protest over the ministry’s stance on homosexuality issues.
Jamie Sanchez, owner of The Drip Café, said he opened the coffee shop in the Santa Fe Arts District for a purpose.
"Our parent company, Recycled God's Love, has been helping the homeless since 2012," said Sanchez, who formed the company with his late wife and his sister. "[The café] is part of our project to provide jobs and funding for the homeless community coming out of homelessness."
Inside the cafe, Ephesians 4:32 is painted on the wall. "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."
"Our whole point is to love everybody," said Sanchez.
On opening day, several protesters gathered outside. They claim the company's views on the LGBTQ+ community sends the exact opposite message.
"Many people, I believe, would not support it knowing the people behind it and knowing what they have said," said Joseph Turner, who stood outside the café with signs.
Until recently, the website for Recycle God's Love had this to say about their stance on homosexuality:
"This organization is opposed to homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle. Additionally, this organization holds that a homosexual lifestyle is contrary to God's Word and purpose for humanity (I Timothy 1:10). The Bible instructs that it is a sin that leads to death. Moreover, this organization is instructed to love those living such lifestyles, while abhorring their sin. 1 Cor. 6:9 says the following: "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders." Members of the church are forbidden to practice such sin. Any member found to be in such sin and unrepentant shall be subject to dismissal."
"That just really showcases their absolute, just, anti-queerness. How they won't tolerate it in the slightest. It's either you repent and apologize for being gay, and you quit being gay, or you're gonna burn in hell," said Turner.
Not long before the café's opening on Friday, the website was updated. It now reads:
"This organization holds that a homosexual lifestyle is contrary to God’s Word and purpose for humanity and is sin (1 Timothy 1:10). . Moreover, this organization is instructed to Love those living such lifestyles. 1 Cor. 6:9 We Believe that showing hate towards people in these communities is not the way Jesus would respond. Therefore, although disagreeing with the lifestyle, we must show love."
Sanchez acknowledges making the change to the website to make it more clear the organization does not hate anyone in the LGBTQ+ community, and said he has not and will not refuse service to people based on their sexual orientation.
"There are just some beliefs that the parent company, that we, want to put out as our beliefs. In all reality, we do just want to stand firmly on the scriptures of the Bible," said Sanchez. "Although there wasn't any verbiage that said we hated anybody in the first place, we did want to change the verbiage to say what our goal is. We do disagree with the lifestyle, but we don't hate you."
Protesters told Denver7 they just want potential customers to know what the company stands for.
"I want to hope that other people will choose to go to other places that do support all of our community," said Turner.