DENVER -- Despite extensive damage, even fire – passengers involved in several recent high profile airplane crashes have survived.
While aircraft design has played a role, a lot of credit is also being given to the flight attendants who have safely evacuated damaged airliners.
Letitia Nesby and Chris Basore are veteran flight attendants for Denver-based Frontier Airlines. The two lead regular evacuation drills to make sure flight attendants can handle difficult situations.
"It's not just coke and peanuts," said Basore.
"Every minute could be another person's life," said Nesby.
Denver7 had the chance to sit in the cabin simulator to watch the two deal with obstacles like smoke and fire.
"The reality of having to simulate an evacuation is very serious," said Nesby.
Under mandate by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), flight attendants must evacuate a jet in 90 seconds or less. That includes opening the door, waiting for the emergency slide to deploy and then jumping to safety.
"In the event of an evacuation, people's lives are at stake. Behind them could be fire, or water, or smoke,” said Nesby.
Crews will tell you the instructions taught here become instinct, so they never question what do in an emergency.
"Flight attendants just take it as that's what has to happen. There's no choice," said Basore.
Flight attendants are in demand. Frontier Airlines has hired and trained 414 flight attendants so far this year, with the goal of having 600 trained by the end of 2016. In 2017, Frontier will begin training 800 flight attendants.
Candidates can apply at
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