Editor's note: Due to questions that have surfaced about one of the subjects of this story, Denver7 has added some points of clarification and additional information from Denver police. We've asked the police department for any updates on this investigation.
DENVER — A Denver man had all but given up on his stolen bike until he spotted it Sunday afternoon. But when he tried to get it back, the situation quickly became violent.
“I was coming back from the pharmacy, just driving by, and I saw it chained up out in front of a house and it’s been missing for a number of days,” said Shane Green.
Green said he stopped to talk to a person who appeared to live at the home at E. Dakota Avenue and S. Pennsylvania Street in Washington Park West. He said the conversation quickly took a turn for the worse.
“I did not accuse him, no, because he told me he didn’t steal it," Green said. "So, I said, ‘I understand. I’ll take your word on that.’ I said, ‘What I’d like to do is – whatever you paid for this bike, whoever sold it to you – I’ll give you that money back.’ He instantly said it was $10. So, I told my wife to grab $10.”
But then, Green said said the suspect went into the house and came out with a bat.
“He was swinging that around. He then picked up the five-foot tow chain that he had the bike chained up with and he began swinging that aggressively,” Green said. “If that had hit me or my wife in the head, it would have killed either one of us. The people who live next to him are yelling at him at the same time, saying, ‘You’re not in trouble yet. Just give the bike back. Don’t do anything to get yourself in jail.’”
Green said he picked up the bike for cover.
“So, I picked the bike up to defend myself from the second swing he was going to make and as I have the bike up full length like this, he swings the chain… and what could go through hits my arms,” Green said. “I had bruises immediately.”
Green said another man emerged and hit Green’s wife in the head. She did not want her name used, but showed Denver7 the five staples she got in the back of her head on Sunday night.
Green said he eventually tackled the man to the ground, punched him in the side and was able to get away with the bicycle.
A police report was filed, and the Denver Police Department said its investigation at the time confirmed Green's account of the attack. DPD said no arrests had been made but that it was continuing its investigation into the matter.
Denver7 attempted to make contact with the theft suspect as well as neighbors at their respective homes and was unsuccessful.
Green said his wife called 911 during the attack, but said police did not arrive in time to see the assault. Police told Denver7 they responded to Green’s home, which is a few blocks away, about 20 minutes afterward.
A Denver police spokesperson told Denver7 the department returned the bike to the theft suspect because Green hadn't registered his bike and had no documentation of the serial number that would prove it was his.
“I asked where it was going, and I was shocked to hear that it was going back to the person who stole the bike,” Green said.
Green and his wife have kids who attend Denver’s South High School and said they’ve never felt more unsafe in their own neighborhood.
“Violated, you know,” Green said. “For police not to arrest anybody yesterday for the whole incident is just upsetting. It’s not safe. It’s just not.”