DENVER — It’s back by popular demand. The city of Denver will release another batch of rebate vouchers for e-bikes Tuesday morning, offering residents from $300 to $1,400 off an e-bike purchase at participating stores.
The city will offer 860 rebates with this release, and if past is prologue, they will be snatched up within minutes.
Denver7 spoke to Jordan Tarango, one of the many who has been left empty-handed with previous rebate releases. He tries to bike his 10 mile commute to work whenever weather allows, which would be much easier with the assistance of an e-bike. However, he has failed to get one with four attempts so far.
“It was already sold out by the time I got to it, so I just couldn’t ever get the timing right,” Tarango said. “Now since there’s so much snow, I’m driving home again. So I like, had I had the e-bike, I would definitely have just been riding through the winter like a breeze.”
The city of Denver launched the rebate program on Earth Day 2022 and as of Dec. 30 reported 4,734 vouchers had been redeemed in the sale of a bike. According to the city, that constitutes only about 54% of the total vouchers claimed.
“If somebody doesn’t use a rebate voucher within 60 days, it gets returned to the program and we just put that towards the next round,” said Chelsea Warren, a communications specialist with the city’s Office of Climate Action, Sustainability, and Resiliency. “If you don’t use your rebate voucher, you can totally apply again. But, it is one [redeemed] rebate per Denver resident.”
In October, the city surveyed those who had thus far received an e-bike through the voucher program. It found that the participants, on average, biked 26 miles per week, replacing approximately 3.4 car trips. Collectively, that equates to about 100,000 vehicle miles reduced from Denver streets each week.
With many wishful applicants not receiving a rebate in 2022, the hope is that this number will grow considerably as the program continues through 2023 and 2024.
“We have been blown away by how popular the program is, and it is so cool to see how excited Denverites are for an alternative mode for transportation,” Warren said.
RELATED: E-bike vouchers in Denver: How to get one
There are six rebate release dates scheduled for 2023: January 31, March 28, May 30, July 24, September 26, and November 28. Interested residents can apply at
For the best chance to secure a rebate, Warren suggests logging on prior to 11 a.m. and having your required documentation ready to upload. All applicants will need to prove residency within Denver city limits, and those applying for income-qualified higher rebate amounts will need additional documentation to prove eligibility. A list of accepted documents can be found on the city’s website.
Jordan Tarango will be among the eager applicants waiting for the release, hoping that the fifth time will be the charm.
“11 a.m. — no, actually, 10:30 — I’m going to be hitting refresh and just trying to get ready for the 11 a.m. deadline to log on,” he said. “Luck is on my side this time around.”