BRIGHTON, Colo. — A Brighton police officer was seriously injured while trying to arrest a wanted man Wednesday evening.
Robert Trujillo, 49, was wanted for felony domestic violence, according to the Brighton Police Department.
Officers spotted Trujillo in a vehicle parked in the area of North 19th Avenue and Overland Drive around 6 p.m. The department said Trujillo refused to exit the vehicle.
According to Brighton PD, Trujillo "maneuvered away from patrol cars" as an officer was trying to pull him from the vehicle. He allegedly sped off while the officer was still holding onto him.
Trujillo crashed into two other vehicles in the parking lot and drove about 76 feet before the officer fell off the vehicle, according to Brighton PD.
Trujillo got out of the vehicle and ran into a nearby apartment. Authorities made "announcements" for a short time, and Trujillo exited the apartment without incident, Brighton police said.
Trujillo was arrested for several charges, including first-degree assault on a police officer with a deadly weapon and vehicular eluding, and booked into the Adams County Jail.
The officer suffered serious injuries, according to Brighton PD. They are still in the hospital as of Thursday evening but are expected to make a full recovery, the department said.