A new documentary is questioning if Patsy Ramsey killed her daughter, JonBenet Ramsey.
Next month marks 20 years since JonBenet Ramsey was found dead in her parent's home in Boulder. The case remains unsolved and no one has been arrested.
In the last few weeks, several documentaries and TV shows have delved into the case.
Saturday, Lifetime will air a two hour movie called "Who Killed JonBenet" followed by a documentary special "JonBenet's Mother: Victim or Killer?"
In the documentary, two detectives question if Patsy Ramsey wrote the ransom note.
"There were some similarities in the handwriting between Patsy's writing and the writing in the note," said Detective Fred Patterson.
"The handwriting examiner said, 'I need to show you something,' and he turned 3 or 4 pages in that notepad and at the top of the pad, it said Mr. and Mrs. and the start of the letter R," said Detective Robert Whitson. "So at that point, it looked like somebody had used that notepad to make a practice ransom note. And that notepad was Patsy Ramseys.”
The documentary raises the question of whether Patsy could have acted to cover up a possible crime.
“There was a sense within the law enforcement community that because of Patsy Ramsey's background in entertainment, she was someone who has a grip on great theatrics,” journalist Jeff Shapiro said according to ABC News.
See ABC News preview of the program.
See the trailer for the Lifetime movie.
In the CBS show, "The Case of: JonBenet Ramsey," Dr. Werner Spitz said JonBenet's brother, 9-year-old Burke, bludgeoned JonBenet to death in 1996.
“If you really, really use your free time to think about this case, you cannot come to a different conclusion,” Dr. Werner Spitz said. “It's the boy who did it.”
Burke is suing Spitz for defamation.
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