DENVER — Have beef with the way things are being run in Aurora and want city leaders to know about it? You better show up during public comment if you want to be heard.
That’s because Aurora City Council on Monday voted 7-2 to adopt a resolution which changes the rules for how public comment is conducted from now on.
The resolution – sponsored by Aurora City Councilmember Curtis Gardner – comes in the wake of an incident in which a call-in speaker from California used racist, homophobic and antisemitic slurs during a city council meeting in early September, according to the Denver Gazette.
The new rules effectively ban the public from calling in and limits public comment only to Aurora residents who show up in-person.
Those wishing to speak must sign up, in-person, with the City Clerk no earlier than 5 p.m. and no later than 6:20 p.m. on the date they wish to be heard.
If anyone wants to speak on an agenda item that is not during the general public comment, the deadline to sign-up is 1 p.m.
Speaks will be required to give their full name, address and email address to the city clerk in-person. Once at the podium, the speaker will have to state their true, full name and whether or not they are an Aurora resident.

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