

Ski resort worker sentenced to jail for stabbing coworker in Breckenridge

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BRECKENRIDGE, Colo. — A Breckenridge man was sentenced to 90 days in jail for stabbing a coworker at a Beaver Run restaurant last year, officials said.

Carlton Findley, 39, pleaded guilty in November to second-degree assault, causing injury with a deadly weapon, a Class 4 felony, according to the Fifth Judicial District Attorney's Office. He received a five-year prison sentence but the sentence will be suspended and he'll serve three months in jail instead.

The incident happened Jan. 7, 2020, when Findley and a coworker at the Copper Top Bar & Cafe, at the base of a ski area in Breckenridge, got into an argument in the kitchen.

The coworker felt threatened by Findley and hit him with a pan, officials said. Findley then grabbed a large kitchen knife and chased his coworker outside the patio area of the bar and cut the coworker with the knife, causing an injury to his head, according to a news release from the district attorney's office.

Findley was arrested and the victim's injuries were treated at a hospital.

“Although this level of violence is very rare amongst co-workers in Summit County, the Defendant will have some time to think about his actions and make amends to society in the coming months,” Lisa Hunt, lead prosecutor on the case, said in the news release.