

Castle Rock Police investigating 'unusual' car burglaries

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CASTLE ROCK, Colo. – People living in Castle Rock claim the town is experiencing some unusual crimes – car burglaries right in front of their homes.

Neighbors in some communities said the town is somewhat of a safe haven.

“But it’s a bigger town now,” said Dave Bollig, who is retired and been living in Castle Rock since 2010. “It’s a nice town. “We’ve heard of things like cars being broken into. We’re lucky enough to have the neighborhood cops and we look out for each other. Plus, the police patrol around here a lot.”

Jenny Cramer, said she and her husband have also heard about car burglaries in the area.

“We’ve never had it happened to us, but we’ve heard there have been more car burglaries now than in the past,” Cramer said.

A Facebook post from someone living in Castle Rock alleges a group of suspects is stealing stuff inside cars parked on the sides of the street.

The Facebook user said the group works in three phases: One suspect opens the car, the second grabs items inside a car and places them in a bag, and the third picks up the items.

The Castle Rock Police Department said that is an unusual method for the area.

“I wouldn't say that is a pattern of activity, but it’s something that we are looking into as a relation to the last group of car break-ins,” said Castle Rock PD commander Jason Lyons. “Bad guys are always looking for crimes of opportunity. This is a crime of opportunity.”

Lyons said most of these crimes are from people leaving their car doors unlocked in Castle Rock.

“People just take advantage of that,” Cramer said. “No matter where you live, you have to lock your doors or bring your car inside. Because people target areas like Castle Rock for that very reason.”

“I know it might be common sense,” Lyons said. “But we want to remind people, since there are recent car burglaries, to lock your doors and bring in any valuables you have in your car. But more importantly, just be aware.”

“I think what is good about this community is that we look out for each other,” Bollig said. “We make sure to let anyone know of anything suspicious happening. And we’ll for sure be more aware since this has happened recently.”


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