JEFFERSON COUNTY, Colo. — The Elkins family is working to pick up the pieces nearly a month after losing their home and dog in a house fire on Ward Way in Jefferson County.
The fire broke out before 1:30 a.m. on Aug. 14. Flames started on the back porch and made their way inside the home, burning through the floor in the family room and causing extensive damage to the first and second floors, West Metro Fire Rescue said.
According to the family, their beloved dog Cuddles alerted them to the fire while they were sleeping.

"She put her paws on my chest and started barking in my face. That's what woke me up," said Victor Elkins.
Initially, the whole family and dog were able to run out of the burning home safely. Just afterward, Cuddles disappeared.
"I realized Cuddles had gone back in the house, or at least she was nowhere to be found," Victor said. "We both saw her come out with us. She was at our feet the whole time (she was) out. So I went back in to try to find her, and it didn't take long for the flames to get in the house and chase me out, so I couldn't find her."
Despite all of the family's efforts, including help from firefighters and community members, they came to the devastating conclusion that Cuddles did not make it back out.
"She had gotten under a bed upstairs to get out of the smoke," Victor said. "And that's where they found her — under the bed."
She was not burned, he added.
An investigation by West Metro Fire found that the fire was caused by a propane grill too close to a wood-frame structure. The grill was used about six hours before the fire started, firefighters said. The heat from the fire also melted a portion of the vinyl siding on a neighbor's house.

The Elkins family is now having to start all over after losing all of their belongings. Their biggest needs are clothing and furniture.
"We're gonna need everything," said Suzanne Elkins.
Denver7 Gives is collecting money to help the family. If you would like to donate, visit Denver7 Gives and select “Help Elkins Family After Losing Home And Dog In Fire” from the drop-down menu. You can also use the form below.
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