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Denver7 viewers donate $2,000 to help northern Colorado teen whose home was destroyed by lightning

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Denver7 viewers raised more than $2,000 for Chas Mosby who lost his home in a fire sparked by lightning.

CARR, Colo — Thanks to our generous Denver7 viewers, a northern Colorado teen is getting back on his feet after losing his home and his tools in a fire.

In July, we introduced you to Chas Mosby, 19, who lost his Carr home when it was struck by lightning. He needed help getting back on his feet, and our Denver7 viewers stepped up with $2,000 in donations.

The funds were used to replace the tools Mosby lost in the fire. He received a new toolbox, set of sockets and power drills from the Ace on the Fax. The store also contributed a new ratchet free of charge.

"I don't know what to say," said Mosby, overwhelmed with emotion.

A car mechanic, Mosby said the new set of tools will help him continue his work and pursue his dream.

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Denver7 | Gives

Colorado teen in need of help after home destroyed in fire sparked by lightning

Sam Peña

The fire happened while Mosby was performing an oil change on a car with several of his friends. The group noticed an incoming storm. After hearing a lightning strike, Mosby and his friends went outside and noticed a fire in the nearby brush.

Immediately, Mosby started pulling cars out of his garage while his friends dumped buckets of water from a nearby well on the flames. Unfortunately, the well quickly ran dry, and the flames set fire to Mosby's home.

Mosby had just moved into the home three months before the fire. He planned on buying the home from the owner once he saved up enough money. The new tools will help him save some money towards that goal.

The teen is currently staying with his parents but commutes to work up in Carr regularly.

“This is going to make my life so much easier," said Mosby. "It made me realize that there are people out there, good people who help."

Denver7 features the stories of people who need help and now you can help them with a cash donation through Denver7 Gives. One hundred percent of contributions to the fund will be used to help people in our local community.

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