BROOMFIELD, Colo. — The past eight months have been a stressful time for families in Boulder County.
A teacher who lost everything in the Marshall Fire had to start the new school year from scratch.
In August, Denver7 introduced you to Natascha Ambrose, a first-time teacher at Eagle Ridge Academy in Brighton. She was adjusting to the career change when the fire devastated her neighborhood in Superior.
"I made a career change, and it's been great. Unfortunately, we did lose everything in the Marshall Fire. So starting out, this first year was a little tough because I didn't have anything for my classroom," said Ambrose.
She and her family lived in the Sagamore neighborhood and escaped with a little more than the clothes on their backs. They have since re-located to a new home in Broomfield.
This year, she started a new job teaching freshmen students about technology and business, but she has been struggling financially to purchase items for school.
"My kids have been great and understanding and making me little doodles, and we’ve been starting to put things on the walls," Ambrose said.
Denver7 teamed up with Walmart in Broomfield to surprise Ambrose with a shopping spree, where she was able to pick out essential school supplies and decorations for her classroom.
After losing so much, the teacher said she's thankful to provide her students with a sense of normalcy.
"I don’t think I have the words. This community has been so amazing to us, I just don't know how to give back. So I feel like being a teacher and giving back to the kids and knowing that this is for my kids, that's my way to give back," said Ambrose.
She said she plans to have her students help her decorate the classroom with all of the new items when they return from the Labor Day holiday weekend.

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