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Denver7 Gives donations cover rental deposit for family who lost home in Alexander Mountain Fire

Jon and Haley Shepard's Storm Mountain home burned in the Alexander Mountain Fire. Thanks to donations from our generous viewers, Denver7 Gives will pay the deposit for their rental home.
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STORM MOUNTAIN, Colo. — As containment creeps toward 100% on the Alexander Mountain Fire, families who lost everything in the blaze are working on what comes next.

Storm Mountain is a tight-knit community tucked away in the mountains of northern Colorado. It's the place Jon and Haley Shepard call home.

Their home off Palisade Mountain Drive is now directly in the burn scar of the Alexander Mountain Fire.

The young couple bought the home in 2016. The two said the purchase was an accomplishment — something they did entirely on their own. They poured their heart and soul into making the house a home.

“It feels like a little bit of us is gone," Haley said.

Their home is one of more than two dozen that burned in the wildfire.

Jon and Haley Shepard's Storm Mountain home
The Shepard home, which burned in the Alexander Mountain Fire.

The Shepards took Denver7 to see what's left of the home on Wednesday. It was only the second time the family had been up to their address.

“The essence of us is gone from here, and I want it back," Haley said while looking at the destruction. "I want to bring life back to a home with my family, and so we are hopeful for that.”

The Shepards and their young son have been bouncing between different rentals since the evacuations were first implemented. Denver7 introduced viewers to the family less than 24 hours after they learned their home was a total loss through community members.

"A living nightmare. I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy," Haley said about the experience since the fire.

The damage from the Alexander Mountain Fire
What's left of the Shepard's home on Storm Mountain.

Following the Shepard's story, Denver7 Gives started a fundraiser to support victims of the 2024 Colorado wildfires. Our Denver7 viewers have opened their hearts and donated generously toward the cause.

As part of our promise to support wildfire victims, Denver7 Gives is using money from the wildfire fund to pay the deposit for the Shepard's rental home.

Though the rental home is temporary, the Shepards are hopeful they will be able to permanently return to Storm Mountain.

“It'll be very sad if we can't rebuild here. So the plan is to rebuild here, yeah? That brings me joy, like having that thought," Haley said with a smile.

Denver7 Gives is supporting the immediate recovery and long-term rebuilding for those impacted by these wildfires. Every dollar supports victims of the fires. To make a tax-deductible donation, visit Denver7 Gives and select "Help Victims of Colorado Wildfires" from the drop-down list.

Denver7 features the stories of people who need help and now you can help them with a cash donation through Denver7 Gives. One hundred percent of contributions to the fund will be used to help people in our local community.

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