BROOMFIELD, Colo. – It’s been four months since everything changed for thousands in Boulder County.
The Marshall Fire sparked back in December and tore through homes, businesses and communities, leaving next to nothing behind.
But the outpouring of support continues for those who were impacted.
Thanks to our generous Denver7 Gives Viewers and Amazon, $40,000 worth of essential items were donated to the non-profit, A Precious Child in Broomfield.
The organization helps families and children who are going through a difficult time.
Denver7 Give's team stocked up the non-profit's warehouse full of clothing, shoes, toys, home goods, toiletries and much more.
Saturday, around 100 families were able to stop by the warehouse to pick up the items during a free shopping event.

Click here to go directly to the Denver7 Gives donation form then choose a campaign
"It feels that we're doing our part to support them. It's a long term recovery and whatever we can do to continue to support as they rebuild is what we're here to do," said Nichole Everman, CEO of A Precious Child.
Mary Ann Lasky lost everything in Superior. Her family was displaced and she said the most difficult part is starting over.
"It's really hard to comprehend what it means to lose everything. As of December 30th, everything we owned fit in an SUV. We didn't have silverware, garbage cans, extra underwear. It's incredible when you think about losing almost everything you own," she said.
Lasky said she appreciates how generous people have been in helping those impacted.
"The community has been the biggest savior," said Lasky.
If you'd like to help the Lasky family, click here.
Even though sign-ups were required for the first donation event Saturday, starting next week the warehouse be open every Saturday for as long as it's needed from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. you do not have to make an appointment ahead of time.
The only exception is on days when larger donation events are held.
Denver7 features the stories of people who need help and now you can help them with a cash donation through Denver7 Gives. One hundred percent of contributions to the fund will be used to help people in our local community.
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