CrimeCrimeClub Q Shooting


Club Q shooting survivor reflects on tragedy one year later

Posted 12:05 AM, Nov 12, 2023
and last updated 12:22 AM, Nov 12, 2023

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — One of the survivors of the deadly Club Q shooting in Colorado Springs provided an update on his recovery Saturday nearly one year after the attack that killed five people and wounded 25 others.

Ed Sanders, 64, was shot once in the back and in the leg during the Nov. 19, 2022 attack. He said the physical pain is mostly gone but the mental healing will take more time.

"It hurts every once in a while but I have a where they sewed my back up is kind of tight now. So I just have a tight feeling in my back all the time. I think it's more mental now than anything. The physical is pretty much healing," he said.

Sanders said that this tragedy has not turned him away from going out to bars and social events.

"No shooting is going to stop me from going out and having fun. It woke me up to the fact that I needed to live my life to the fullest," said Sanders.

Club Q mass shooting victims

Club Q Shooting

These are the 5 victims of the Colorado Springs Club Q shooting

The Denver7 Team
10:52 PM, Nov 21, 2022

Two of his friends were killed that night, bartenders Daniel Aston and Derrick Rump. Sanders also said another fatal victim, Ashley Loving collapsed into his arms after she was shot.

"We all fell together, it was very traumatic. When I got hit in the back, I turned around and looked at him and all I could see was a flash from the gun," he said. "Daniel and Derrick, were — they were wonderful to me. They call me 'Mr. Ed'. And they well, they they rode me home on occasion, they escorted me into my Uber on occasion, and they were just always there to listen to you."

Club Q shooting survivor reflects on tragedy one year later

As difficult as it is to relive it all, Sanders said speaking about the tragedy helps him with his healing.

"It really does help to get it out in the open," he said.

In October, Club Q management announced they’d no longer reopen at the same location.

Instead, they’re opening up a new venue called “The Q" which will be located at the Satellite Hotel.

It’s a place Sanders says he plans to support.

"I supported them from the beginning," Sanders said, "The Satellite Hotel is a perfect location."

READ MORE: All Club Q shooting coverage from Denver7

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