NewsDenver7 Everyday Hero


This Colorado woman is the driving force behind holiday toy drive with Volunteers of America


GREENWOOD VILLAGE, Colo. — The Christmas magic we see and feel during the holiday season is all because of Santa's little helpers working hard, behind the scenes.

Each and every year, Michelle Gruber of First American State Bank is the driving force behind collecting toys for kids in need. The Village Toy Drive brings happiness and joy to thousands of kids every holiday season.

"We probably have over 6,000 toys that come through [during this event]," remarked Gruber, "and [we'll] probably generate about 2,400 gifts."

Over the years, those gifts add up.

"Because of Michelle's amazing work," said Faustine Curry, with Volunteers of America Colorado, "we have helped almost 20,000 kids through this amazing work being done."

It's why we wanted to say thank you to Michelle, with a Denver7 Everyday Hero award — for making the holiday season a little brighter for Colorado kids.

"This is such an honor," said Gruber. "This has really become a family, and a whole community endeavor. So, thank you!"

Colorado woman driving force behind holiday toy drive with Volunteers of America

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