Colorado is going on five days of snow. While it feels like that or longer to some people, others are loving every second of it, especially our furry friends.
Put Christina McKinnon's white pup on a magazine cover. This dog could be a model for the storm, racing through the snow.
"Let the storm rage on. The cold never bothered me anyway," is likely what's going through Scarlett's head this week. She's another picturesque pup — fit to rule over Arendelle.
While a little less photogenic, Becki Busa's little man is no less cute basking in the snow. Busa said he loves it so much, she has to make him come in to warm up. She's got him equipped with a sweater for when he's out soaking up the winter wonderland.
As Jane Tiseo digs out of from under the large amounts of snow on Western Slope, her dog Willa is likely not going to be a lot of help. Willa is more in the mood to play in the white stuff!
It's a blast for pet parents to watch their pups enjoy fresh snow, but so many also know the struggle of getting a dog to go to the bathroom when it's cold outside. Tami Ballard Roberts captured the path she had to shovel for her dog to do his business.
Just like the humans in Colorado who go for runs or hikes in the snow, they've got four-legged partners in crime. Timothy Baranoski went to North Cheyenne Cañon Park Thursday in the snow.
It's not all fun and games for Colorado's dogs. Some are out and about helping their owners during the snowstorm. Dama Fullen Macuso wouldn't otherwise know it's "one dachschund deep in Castle Rock" if it wasn't for her faithful pup in a bright red coat.
Some dogs are better suited for tracking in snow they get stuck in their coat. But Isabel Garcia's black curly-haired friend is pretty darn precious with that look and beard full of snow.
The snow knows no age. From 13-month-old puppies to 13-year-old dogs like Daisy Geasland's Brody, the snow brings out the kid in everyone. Brody used the planter like a snow fort, and honestly, who could blame him!?
Cats are not most people's first guess to be out and about during weather like this, but Pluto looks right at home in a stylish sweater and hat.
This bison Reid Neureiter captured looks like it could sure use its own jacket or blanket out there at Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge. But they're built for this, right!?
That sentiment is most evident by the big mule deer buck Reid Neureiter also captured at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge, looking quite regal amid the whiteout conditions.
If only everyone could look as majestic out in the freezing cold as this wild mare WilsonAxpe PhotoAdvocacy snapped a photo of on Thursday.
The white mare and this snowshoe hare are a little harder to spot this time of year, as Aaron Cox observed, but they look right at home in the backdrop of snow.
This ltitle critter also doesn't look bothered by the weather, but Alan Lipkin captured it in the calm before Friday's potentially historic snowstorm.
This bird looks a little more apprehensive about getting hit with another round of snow. Many of the humans across the state can relate.
That bird is in good company with the squirrel Adelina Srinivasan got in motion, appearing as though it's praying for the sun to come out.
Sally Lynn Chenoweth's horses are mostly just focused on getting a little snack or nose rub, stopping by her house to visit the kitchen drive-thru window. The horses have snow past their knees out there in Elbert County.

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