

Groundhog Day 2022: Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, marking six more weeks of winter

Groundhog Day
Posted 11:53 AM, Feb 02, 2022
and last updated 3:08 PM, Feb 02, 2022

It's official: Six more weeks of winter are on the way.

"Punxsutawney Phil" emerged from his burrow at Gobbler's Knob in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday. According to members of the Inner Circle of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club, the groundhog saw his shadow. Tall tale tradition says that means that the region is in for six more weeks of winter.

According to, the tradition in Punxsutawney dates back to 1887.

Regardless of Phil's forecast on Wednesday, most of the U.S. is in for a wintry remainder of the week. An intense winter storm is currently bearing down on the Midwest, and well over a dozen states are projected to experience icy temperatures in the days ahead.

According to CNN, more than 90 million people are currently under a winter storm warning.