

Some Denver Public Schools plan early release Tuesday due to near-record heat and no air conditioning

Denver Public Schools
DPS schools early release Tuesday August 22.jpg
and last updated

DENVER — Some Denver Public Schools plan on releasing students early Tuesday due to the near-record heat across the metro and no air conditioning in some buildings.

The district has a team of people who monitor temperatures throughout the day at each school without air conditioning to establish typical highs and lows within the buildings, and conducts a heat study each year from August through October, to help schools decide when to close down early.

So far, 14 schools plan to let students go early Tuesday due to the heat. Scott Pribble, director of external communications for Denver Public Schools, created a centralized page listing the schools closings which you can find here.

They include:

Bryant-Webster Dual Language School will let students out at 12:30 p.m.

Godsman Elementary said students will be dismissed at 12 p.m. And no after-school program will available for the students who are registered due to the high temperatures in the building.

The school posted on its website and Facebook that breakfast and lunch will still be provided.

Goldrick Elementary announced students will get out of school at 11:40 a.m.

The school posted on its website and Facebook that students will receive a sack lunch, and those who take the bus will be picked up from school at 11:40 a.m.

Mcmeen Elementary posted on Facebook it will also close at 11:40 a.m.

The school said it will serve students lunch, and buses will pick up at 11:40 a.m.

Polaris Elementary will release students at 12:30 p.m.

The school posted on its website and Facebook it will also still give students lunch. If your student rides the bus, Polaris said they'll be picked at 12:30 p.m.

Stedman Elementary said school will dismiss at 1 p.m., and all after-school programs are canceled. School buses will pick up at 1 p.m. But if parents don't want their student to take the bus home, you can pick up your child from Stedman Elementary at 1 p.m.

"Though we are extremely grateful for the donations of portable A/C units that we’ve received for each of our classrooms over the years, these units simply cannot keep up with the demands of repeated extremely hot days," Stedman Elementary wrote on its website.

All students will get a lunch, while 2nd and 3rd graders will get a take-home lunch.

Pribble told Denver7 the following schools will also be releasing early:

More schools will be added to this list as more announcements are made.

As temperatures soar, Denver students return to schools without air conditioning

To learn more about how DPS is prioritizing schools in need of air conditioning, click here. To see the project timeline for installing air conditioning at schools, click here.

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