DENVER — There has been a lot of talk recently about an artificial intelligence program called Chat GPT.
If you're still not sure what it is — it's a site where you can ask questions.
"It's a phenomenal example of how an electronic brain can do things," said Shaun Schafer, who is the Associate Vice President of Curriculum and Policy Development for MSU Denver.
The new artificial intelligence bot is growing in popularity.
"I think one of the things that I can't emphasize enough is the speed at which it's happening," said Schafer.
He said Chat GPT is an AI program that allows you to create any sort of work. It's a tool that can essentially write anything for you with a simple prompt.
"It's a really good example of using an artificial intelligence brain to do certain creative works," he added.
Schools across the country — including Colorado — are now trying to figure out what boundaries to set in classrooms.
"We're not reacting to it the way some other institutions reacted, where it's like, 'OK, we're just gonna ban it, you can't look at this, pretend it doesn't exist.' It's like, 'Yeah, well, we can't pretend it doesn't exist, because it's out there,'" added Schafer.
He said the university teaches students that they are expected do deliver their own work. And the way the school's plagiarism rules are written, Chat GPT would be violating those, if it's used unethically.
"There are some folks that have embraced, you know, the things that you can do with it. And they are exploring that. But I think a lot of people are like you. They're waking up to it now and going, ‘Oh, that can do that’. Now and knowing that, how do I need to adjust or change my assignments?,'" he said.
Schafer tells Denver7 that MSU Denver will be meeting soon to talk about how to navigate the new technology.
"We're gonna wind up doing it later in February, a campus wide discussion on this very topic just to figure out how we need to modify our rules or how we need to deal with it," said Schafer.