

Back to School: 3 basics every college student should know

Posted 8:56 PM, Aug 25, 2016
and last updated 2:50 PM, Aug 21, 2017

Between the agony of filling out applications and financial aid forms, and the hassle of shopping for supplies,  sometimes teaching your student basic life skills gets lost in the shuffle.

Arizona State University student leaders Adrianna Conway and Chase Hocken offer up three things every student should know this school year.

1.  Laundry

You’re an adult now so it’s important to stay fresh and clean. Just do the basics here, like separate the whites, colors and darks. Try using Tide Pods. They’re easy to store and travel with.

2.  Public Transportation

Getting around shouldn’t be complicated thanks to Google Maps and Ways. Just download them on your phone and you’ll know how to properly get around using public transportation.

3.  Cooking

You don’t have to be a master chef to eat well. Have a few simple recipes on hand and be sure to follow the directions.

Knowing how to do these basic things will ensure a more productive and happy school life.

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