NORTHGLENN, Colo. – Whether it’s a neighbor dons their house in a light display, or a friend decks their halls with festive décor, chances are you know someone who goes all out when decorating their home for the holidays.
However, there are some people who take their holiday decorations to the next level. Maybe it’s the house down the block whose holiday lights can be seen from space, or the yard next door that’s covered in holiday blow-ups. But have you ever wondered what goes into creating such cheerful a masterpiece? Well, Russ and Ben Shaver happen to know the answer.
What started out as a “modest” light display with 10,000 lights synchronized to music, has since turned into three storage units full of Christmas decorations, and a 15-20 minute synchronized light display with 50,000 - 100,000 lights (depending on the year).
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Needless to say, putting together a light display like this one takes a lot of time and commitment.
“The hours it takes to prepare and plan, close to 75 to 100 hours. And it takes about 8 hours to sequence 1 minute of music. Typically, our show is about 15 to 20 minutes long, so the math there can be quite extensive,” says Russ.
At the end of the day, for Russ and Ben, every hour of work is worth it.
“The reason that we do this every year is the reaction on people’s faces. We’ve gotten some notes, we’ve gotten some mail, we’ve gotten some cool comments from the community. They warm our hearts when we receive that stuff,” says Russ.
To see Russ and Ben's light display head to 2982 E 108th Drive, Northglenn, Colorado 80233.