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Special Olympics Colorado’s Polar Plunge Series invites you to be freezin’ for a reason


Special Olympics Colorado’s 2025 Polar Plunge Series invites brave Coloradans to take a dip into icy water in support the more than 24,000 incredible athletes with intellectual disabilities that SOCO serves. Plunging is a great way for everyone – individuals, families, schools, organizations and businesses – to get involved in supporting Special Olympics Colorado and its thousands of athletes statewide.

Denver7 is a proud partner of Special Olympics Colorado and the Polar Plunge Series. Denver7 anchors and reporters will emcee the Polar Plunge events in Denver, Aurora and Boulder (details below).

SOCO’s goal is to raise $780,000 through the Polar Plunge Series. The concept is simple: participants raise a minimum of $80 ($50 for students and SOCO athletes) and take a dip into some icy water. All of the plunges have their own unique twist. So, whether you are sprinting into the chilly waters of a lake or reservoir, or jumping into an icy pool, or participating in a 5K run, you are guaranteed to have some awesome wintertime fun.

Funds raised support the sports, health, education and athlete leadership programs SOCO’s athlete’s enjoy for free. These life-changing programs positively impact the lives of children and adults with intellectual disabilities, providing them with tools to build their confidence and self-esteem.

The 2025 Polar Plunge Series includes:

Denver Plunge & 5k
Sunday, March 2
Emceed by Denver7 Chief Meteorologist Lisa Hidalgo

Colorado Springs Plunge & 5k
Sunday, March 16

Aurora Plunge & 5k
Saturday, March 29
Emceed by Denver7 Sports Director Lionel Bienvenu

Boulder Plunge
Saturday, April 5
Emceed by Denver7 Anchor/Social Equity Reporter Micah Smith

Windsor Plunge & 5k
Saturday, April 12

Avon Plunge
Saturday, Oct. 25

Visit www.specialolympicsco.org/plunge [canva.com] for more information.

This article was paid for through an in-kind partnership.