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Nominate your favorite educator to be the 2023 Colorado Teacher of the Year

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Colorado Teacher Appreciation Week is May 2-6, 2022. To celebrate, join Denver7 and the Colorado Department of Education and nominate your favorite educator to be the Colorado Teacher of the Year.

“Teachers are some of our best role models for the adaptability and resilience they show, especially during these last few years. We are so grateful to our Colorado teachers for persevering during these challenging times and for their dedication to helping students grow into strong, smart citizens,” said Colorado Education Commissioner Katy Anthes. “Help us celebrate and show extra appreciation for our teachers this week by recognizing a teacher who made a difference in your life or showing appreciation for your child’s teacher.”

Each year, the Colorado Teacher of the Year program honors an exceptionally dedicated, knowledgeable, and skilled K-12 classroom teacher to represent the entire profession in the state. The selected teacher will automatically become Colorado's nominee for the National Teacher of the Year competition.

Click here to nominate your favorite teacher today. Once nominated, teachers will be notified and encouraged to complete 2023 Colorado Teacher of the Year application, which is due on June 29, 2022.

Program partners for the Colorado Teacher of the Year program include Colorado Education Association, Adams State University Colorado and Blue Bell Ice Cream.

This coverage of Colorado Teacher of the Year is brought to you by Canvas Credit Union. See how Canvas celebrates our community and helps Coloradans Live Well(er) at canvas.org.