Human trafficking in Colorado takes many forms


Above: Images like this will help expose the many different types of human trafficking that happen in Colorado. The awareness campaign, produced by the Colorado Human Trafficking Council, can be seen in nearly every corner of the state starting in November 2020.

Increasing awareness about all types of human trafficking is just the beginning. The goal of this multi-year campaign is to start with building knowledge about this crime but ultimately, the campaign seeks to promote a statewide culture that does not tolerate human trafficking through identification and reporting.

Would You Recognize Human Trafficking If You Saw It? // Colorado Public Safety Awareness

“Until Colorado residents become aware of all aspects of human trafficking, this human injustice will continue,” said Maria Trujillo, Program Manager and spokesperson for the Colorado Human Trafficking Council (the Council). “We hope this campaign will highlight the true nature of human trafficking, so that community members realize that this crime is happening in our communities. We want to see more human trafficking victims identified and connected to services.”

The Council’s newly launched campaign includes a website,, YouTube channel, statewide television commercials, streaming radio, social media, and outdoor advertising in highly visible areas including Denver International Airport.

PSA: Human trafficking in Colorado takes many forms

The goals of the campaign include:

● To increase knowledge about all types of human trafficking in Colorado

● To shift preconceived ideas about human trafficking

● To elevate the belief that human trafficking can exist in any Colorado community

● To bring about a statewide culture that does not tolerate human trafficking

Informed by survivors and more than three years of research the campaign is designed not only to make people stop and take notice but to learn more. The campaign depicts real-life human trafficking situations in Colorado in a variety of sectors including sales crews, agriculture, hospitality, and commercial sex, among others.

While human trafficking takes various forms, all involve exploiting one individual by another for some kind of benefit – often economic. A simple definition of human trafficking is the severe exploitation of another person through force, fraud, or coercion for some type of labor, including commercial sex. Human trafficking consists of the denial of a person's human right to freedom and basic dignity.

“From our research, we know that Colorado residents are aware of human trafficking, but they do not necessarily believe it is affecting their community or family,” said Christian Gardner Wood, chairperson of the Council. “With increased knowledge about how it occurs and what it looks like, the public can play a more active role in combatting human trafficking.”

If you suspect human trafficking is happening to you, or someone you know or have seen, get help, call anonymously 24/7 at 866.455.5075 or text 720.999.9724.

Learn what to look for, at



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